Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sorry, we can't hire you, we dont like your personality

I've heard about these personality tests that companies give to potential employees. I've never had to do one, but I have a good friend of mine graduating in May that has had to take a lot of these tests for places like Bank of America.
I personally think that this is a good idea for the sake of the company. People need to be able to get along in the work environment. Sure, work can still get done if the people don't get along, but there will definitely be higher turnover, and less motivated works. This leads to higher costs to the company, and less efficient work being done.
Yes, you may lose out on valuable skills that people have, but in the end it would lead to better profits for the company. A good example is with a sports team. A team can have a superstar on the team with amazing speed and skill, but may not get along with the other teammates. This leads to poor team chemistry, and a lesser possibility of winning. On the other hand, a team can have a group of "ok" players, but have great team chemistry, and win more games than the team with the superstar.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Hawaii Commercial

I just recently watched a commercial for people that might want to vacation to Hawaii, and thought that the commercial was a perfect example of dual coding. Not only did the commercial have a calm and soothing voice explaining why Hawaii was great to visit, but it also showed video of Hawaii's beaches, and other tourist attractions. These two coding methods worked perfectly because they helped emphasize each other instead of distracting the viewer between the two.

Another commercial I saw though did not use the dual coding theory effectively. It was trying to advertise a new product. It had a person explaining the product, but also had text on screen describing the products features. This was not very effective because the person and the text were competing with each other, and therefore the viewer can not decide which one to pay attention to, causing the message to get lost.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Group Thoughts

So far, I think our group has done fairly well. Everyone has had great ideas to input into the project so far. Everyone has gotten along well, and had done their fair share of work. There hasn't been much miscommunication between us besides letting all group members know when meetings are taking place on occasion.

The only thing I would change for phase two is to maybe set an agenda beforehand so we can accomplish more in a shorter period of time instead of wasting time trying to figure out what needs to be accomplished during the meeting